Could Dr Ford's 'traumatic suppressed encounter' 36 yrs ago affected her treatment of male students under her charge?

Could Dr Ford's 'traumatic suppressed encounter' 36 yrs ago affected her treatment of male students under her charge?


Anything is possible, but there are not reports of anything. I guess it depends on what you mean by "treatment".

Probably did

She has proved herself to be a flake, so it wouldn't come as a surprise.

Wow… You're really reaching for lame things to try to convict her before she is heard. Victimizing the victim is what unprincipled lawyers do when they have no good defense.
But I really hope Kavanaugh's side will put forward this type of lame argument to the Congressional committee. It will make Kavanaugh's defense sound even more ridiculous… Not that "I don't remember" isn't already ridiculous. He was drunk out of his mind. Of course he doesn't remember.

No. She knows who her students are and she knows who Brett Kavanaugh is.

What's funny is Kavanaugh would actually be the best pick for liberals but in their frenzy they've even screwed themselves over.