Christine Ford will testify, doesn't want to be in same room with Kavanaugh, wants Mark Judge to be subpoenaed. Reasonable?
Christine Ford will testify, doesn't want to be in same room with Kavanaugh, wants Mark Judge to be subpoenaed. Reasonable?
Says who?
No. She can testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. This is what Sen. Grassey has given her. No more will be granted. She has until 10am tomorrow to respond, or Kavanaugh's vote is back on for early next week.
Yes. It's reasonable. So is an FBI. Investigation.
If you had been the victim of a crime, you would not want to be in the same room as the criminal who victimized you. Their very presence is intimidating.
I guess she can ask, but she doesn't get to dictate how the US Senate conducts its business.
Why should Christine Ford testify to the US Senate when she can't remember the basic details on what happened?
Is she going to tell us all about the drunken Keg parties at her prep school where they played games like "Pass Out"
ask yourself - why did her high school yearbook disappear from the internet?
any embarrasing photos in there?
Christine Ford should get a subpoena
Brett Kavanaugh in his own defense, although all her details are vague and unremembered because these parties she is speaking of were documented in her yearbook as being very drunken blackout affairs where games of quarters, etc. Were played until the party guests passed out and she has been identified as a big participant on that party scene by many schoolmates and her yearbook; but Mr. Kavanaugh dug back through his records and found a personal calendar that records his activities and friends involved during the summer of 1982, the time frame when Ms. Ford alleges, and he was absent vacationing mostly with his parents and records ball games he attended and very few parties, but the friends litsted at these parties were different people than the ones Ford attributes being at hers. I believe she suffered from a case of mistaken identity way back in high school because these were an all girls academy and a separate boys prep school and there was a boy in Brett Kavanaugh's school class who looked almost exactly like him. And the house that Ford can't exactly remember where it was but has described it correlates to the location, exterior and interior of the other boy's home. So I think the moral of the story is don't get blackout drunk as a 15 year old and then expect to smear a good man's name almost 40 years later due to your politics.
- Why don't the GOP want Mark Judge testifying? It would seem like a no brainier to me. Ford says he was there, all he has to do is stand up and say it never happened under oath and it's a home run for them.
- Is it reasonable to say in the case of Dr. Ford vs Judge Kavanaugh, only provable Facts will suffice. Since Dr. Ford's story keeps? Changing and since she refuses to participate in normal proceedings, her case is Exceptionally weak and I highly doubt it will stand up to scrutiny. If she continues to refuse to be scrutinized, should her claims be rejected?
- If lying to the FBI is a crime why does Dr. Christine Blasey Ford want to talk to them but Brett Kavanaugh doesn't? - 1 If lying to the FBI is a crime why does Dr. Christine Blasey Ford want to talk to them but Brett Kavanaugh doesn't?
- If Judge Kavanaugh is innocent then why did Christine Ford talk about the assault to a therapist years ago before Kavanaugh was famous? If she was making it up wouldn't she have not brought it up until now? If she discussed it for years then doesn't that mean it is true?