Christine Blasey Ford, Kavanaugh Accuser, Commits To Thursday Public Hearing. So why are Trumpanzees saying the case is falling apart?
Is this what they're hearing on the Sean (BatshitCrazy) Hannity show?
Patience little one
No physical evidence no credibility.
No. I heard it from you. And which case is falling apart when there never was one.
More accusers are coming forward. The FBI definitely needs to reopen the background investigation.
Ford will be a no-show. I'm willing to get on it, especially since the 2nd accusation has fallen apart.
She herself admits she can't remember where or when. This would never make it to a court of law so how can anyone judge that Kavanaugh is guilty in the USA.
Don't act as though her team is conceding anything, it was Grassley who gave into their demands. Thursday was brilliant given there can be no vote for confirmation this week when that vote should have already happened. Since we've found that all that were at the Party don't remember her claims. Why did it take 2 months at the last moment to bring this story up?
I'm sure you believe Teddy "Chappaquiddick" Kennedy was a great man given you Liberals reelected him 7 times after he basically killed Mary Jo Kopeckne, and the Left with the aid of the Press has suppressed the girlfriend of Kieth Ellison.
So did you Libs believe Juanita Broaddrick?
You should be conflicted but I don't think you have what it takes.
Get your therapy dog reserved for November. Don't forget to buy extra doggy food… You're going to need it!
- Why did dr.fords case go straight to a live public congress hearing? Local police investigation where the alleged incident took place? Nah lets skip that fbi investigation to establish what really happened? Nah lets skip that lets go straight to a live public congress hearing just to decide to get the fbi to investigate the accussed ( for a 7th time in his career) anyone would think this whole episode was politically motivated to harm republicans in the mid terms and nobody really cared to learn the truth of it
- Looks like Christine Ford isn't interested in showing up to the hearing on Monday. Kavanaugh will be. Gee, I wonder why that may be? Anyone who shows up and testifies will be doing so under oath. If Ford and Kavanaugh give two conflicting stories, then one of them has to be lying, and doing so under penalty of perjury. Perhaps the one who does not WANT to show up and testify under oath is the one who would be lying. Wouldn't make much sense for it to happen the other way around, now would it?
- It's Tuesday. Has Christine Ford started her drive from California to DC yet for Thursday's hearing? She said she won't fly because Kavanaugh caused her so much trauma 36 years ago planes make her feel claustrophobic. Or is she going to be a no show like many expected all along?
- It's possible Blasey-Ford totally believes what she's saying yet Kavanaugh wan nowhere around. But how are the dems doing that? Roy More's? Accuser, Leigh Corfman (all the rest said they only kissed) must have formed her memory after the fact, as well. That was as out of character for him as these outlandish claims are for Kavanaugh. More's big "sin" was being attracted to 17 & 18 year olds. Not tweens. Seriously. Again: How are they getting people to conjure and shape-shift their memories and pull them outta theirAsses just exactly at the most destructive time?