Am I alone in believing Blasey Ford but not Anita Hill?

Am I alone in believing Blasey Ford but not Anita Hill?

Added (1). Many Democratic Senators did not believe Anita Hill, and that was why they voted to confirm Clarence Thomas even though Democrats controlled the Senate. In fact she was not even given a chance to testify in public until her allegations were leaked, and Democratic Senators had no choice but to allow her to speak in front of the committee.


Why, because Hill was black?

Dr. Ford is obviously an anxious and fearful person.
Dr. Hill was a rock.

I believe there was a delay and FBI investigation back then. Kavanaugh and Republicans are blocking that now.

Yes you are alone.

Something definitely happened to her, just not sure what it was or when or where it occurred.

I believed Anita Hill, and at the time I thought she quite brave to do what she did.