How to set timing on a 2000 ford ranger 2.5 ltr?

How to set timing on a 2000 ford ranger 2.5 ltr? - 1

Setting a 2000 ford ranger timing

With a timing light if it has a distributor. Otherwise the computer controls the timing and it is not adjustable.

Timing belt? Or distributor timing?

Belts, just Google it to find where to put the "dots."

For a disturbed distributor (which I don't think you have), It should say on the VECI label under the hood (the one with vacuum diagrams and stuff). You use a timing light to set the base timing after you remove the "spout" connecter, which is a little jumper wire type thing in the harness near the distributor. Google should have a clear picture of that as well.

You don't all computer controledno distrubtor