I need to be strong but how?

I want to die I'm 14 and I know being depressed is normal but I've been like this since I was 11 but I can't a ford to be like this because both my brothers are depressed and there 12 and 9 and so is my dad and all my anties and uncles and my nanny on my mams side and it's not fair on my mam I have to stay strong because my mams feeling really down lately and I don't know what to do like I do have a really good life like both my parents are together and they love each other and I have a plasma screen tv and a big speaker in my room but it's like everyone tells me I have to be happy because I have all these materialistic things

You don't have to be happy because of all the material items… Seems to me like you have something missing on the inside of you. Try and think all of what has happened that is making you depressed. Write it all down. That way you can vent without actually telling anyone your personal stuff. After you wrote it all down, go outside on the gravel or somewhere with concrete and burn it. Say you release everything that is making you sad. Just let it all go, because you burned it all away. Don't be sad, be thankful that God gave you another day

What would God want out of you? To live a life where you can improve other people's lives and take notice of the good in the world.

You need to be strong, so you first acquire knowledge with nature, world, man, and about creation.

If everyone in your family is depressed it might be a chemical imbalance so get it checked