Why would people buy a Subaru Forester when they can buy a better, superior Ford Escape?

Ford Escape has active parking assist, the Forester doesn't…

Because I can park my Forester just fine by myself, thank you for asking.

That's good, because parking is the best thing you can do with an Escape.

So what you're saying you let a computer handle a simple chore like parking? Does it also helps park your (it starts with a) on the toilet seat too?

Subie owners are former Ford owners. They got tired of Fixing Or Repairing Daily.

Because the Forester will last 100,000 more miles?

Because it's their money and they can do what they want with it

Personal choices at play. Many factors give rise to choosing a vehicle.price. Style. Practicality. If its a second car etc women actually make best car choices for practicality. Men tend to go for higher power bigger wheels and a sexy body shape etc.
nothing wrong with either vehicle as such. Both have good points and few drawbacks. So essentially we could throw question back and say "why not?"

You again huh?

Don't just say that the Ford is better, show proof? Speaking of proof, I'm still waiting for your proof that the Ranger is better than the Nissan.

FORD Escape?! LMAO. I'd take a Forester any day rather than a Ford Escape.
Just to help you keep from getting into an accident… Inspect the rubber brake hoses that run from the rear calipers to the metal brake lines. The factory made the hoses too short and they fray and rupture from putting the vehicle up in the air to do oil changes. I've had to replace those hoses on several Escapes already. One of my customers blew through an intersection when she ended up with no brakes when one of the rubber hoses ruptured on her Escape. The problem area is at the end of the hose on the top where it attaches to the metal brake line. Not by the caliper.