Won't you be happy when Kavanaugh is sworn in and we can really say what we want to about tha nut case Ford?
Won't you be happy when Kavanaugh is sworn in and we can really say what we want to about tha nut case Ford?
I can't wait until Trump tells America. The FBI Investigation will continue…
into the anti-Kavanaugh people that perjured themselves,
into Feinstein's leak.
I'm gonna be laughing when videos of liberals come out about them crying
No. I won't be happy because I can imagine the budget busting need for the southern fans when Kavanaugh has the "vapors" again.
Yeah Napoleon the Prussians are building an army against us you know the fools ha ha ha
Say what Susan Collins said about Ford.
He can never be happy in that seat because he knows deep down he does not deserve to be there. I have no respect for him or the GOP government.
Be nice, I know what you mean, remain the adults in the room.
Nothing about Kavanaugh makes me happy, and nothing about his future as SCOTUS should make you happy either, assuming you have the morality and honor of a toaster-oven.
- Look into this and you will see for yourself that Ford is a LIAR.Do you really want the truth? In her letter she stated she was "in her late teens" and it happened "in the late 1980s" then before her polygraph (administered by her lawyer with only 2 questions) Ford CHANGED her written statement to say "some time in the 1980s" because her lawyer told her that in the late 1980s Cavanaugh was in Yale living on campus hundreds of miles away.
- Look into this and you will see for yourself that Ford is a LIAR.Do you really want the truth? - 1 In her original letter she stated she was "in her late teens" and it happened "in the late 1980s" then before her polygraph (administered by her lawyer with only 2 questions) Ford CHANGED her written statement to say "some time in the 1980s" because her lawyer told her that in the late 1980s Cavanaugh was in Yale living on campus hundreds of miles away.
- Is it reasonable to say in the case of Dr. Ford vs Judge Kavanaugh, only provable Facts will suffice. Since Dr. Ford's story keeps? Changing and since she refuses to participate in normal proceedings, her case is Exceptionally weak and I highly doubt it will stand up to scrutiny. If she continues to refuse to be scrutinized, should her claims be rejected?
- Blasey Ford if you go back and see her face when she first enters the courtroom tells you she is a liar.She is to damn happy.Right? Blasey Ford if you go back and see her face when she first enters the courtroom tells you she is a liar. She is to damn happy.Right?