Will you vote for the republican cowards who refuse to ask ford pointed questions?
Will you vote for the republican cowards who refuse to ask ford pointed questions?
No i don't vote republican. Sorry. (wonder how many people think i vote democrat now) assumptions thats why i don't vote those ways!
These republican cowards ran up the national debt and support wars without end.
I'm voting democrat. Pennsylvania needs more Democrat's this year
No, I prefer candidates with hearts and brains and who are living firmly in this century.
What matters is how they vote. Also WHETHER they vote.
I would never vote for sleazy democrats who have wrecked our SCOTUS process.
This isn't a trial. And, it's possible that he could have done this. I've supported Kavanaugh up to this point, but I believe her.
What does it Matter? She has no memory of anything
- Why did Christine Blasey Ford have zero problem being interrogated by lawyers but William Barr refuse to allow it? Is it because she has nothing to hide and was telling the truth but Barr is a liar? There's evidence that Brat the Rat Kavanaugh lied about boofing and Devil's triangle but no evidence that Blasey Ford lied. Barr lied about not knowing why Mueller's staff expressed frustration about Barr's account of the Mueller Report when in fact he had received a letter from Mueller expressing dissatisfaction about Barr's account of Mueller's report.
- Why are Republican senators such cowards? They're calling in a woman to question Dr. Blasey Ford when it's their job to question her. That has never happened before in the history of our country.