Why are Republican senators such cowards?

They're calling in a woman to question Dr. Blasey Ford when it's their job to question her. That has never happened before in the history of our country.

Because the media attacks any male that asks a female a difficult question.

If the leftist media treated men and women as equals, then the male Senators could ask the questions themselves.

Sounds a bit political, imagine that

Their donors want another pro-corporate anti-consumer rights justice on the court. Republicans think they need a lot more donor money to win, and their base will vote for them regardless.

They are scared to death to be seen questioning a woman, bullying her, interrupting her and talking over her, like the do on Fox News, like they did with Anita Hill.

Republican congresscritters are really jumpy lately, especially those who are up for re-election this year. I think they know it's going to be a disaster. They don't want their opponents to be able to show video clips of them beating up on Blasey Ford. Conscience doth make cowards of us all.

They have learned from Democrats that the best way to deal with sexual assault accusations is to have a woman do it, they note how the Clintons dealt with the issue.

This has greatly disappointed the Democrats because they love to run on a platform of setting one group against another and this is harder to hype up as privileged males against defenseless females but they are still trying hard to play that angle.

We passed that threshold of "this has never happened before" in this confirmation process, a long time ago. The Republicans realize that the longer this plays out, the more ridiculous the Democrats will look. They are just patronizing them, and calling their bluff.

I'm having visions of campaign memes showing GOP Senators hiding behind a woman's skirts.

Why is this so different then the FBI questioning her?

I'll say once again the Republicans cave into the Dems demands and push on an issue. They are intimidated by the liberal mob and put into a corner to the point of agreeing what ever unreasonable demand the dems throw at them. Shameful. And to think they have the majority! What a waste.