Will Feinstein ever release Dr Ford's letter?
Will Feinstein ever release Dr Ford's letter?
Not within the next six months
She might as well release it into the fireplace. It's over for the gold digger.
Yes, after Kavanaugh is confirmed.
Nope. The letter doesn't actually exist. It's all made-up LIES by the Socialist Democrats to obstruct and delay the appointment of a conservative judge to the Supreme Court.
Hopefully, it will be an interesting work of fiction to read.
It is being written now. LOL
A letter, not the letter. Demonrats are sinister, and will lie and cleanse and manipulate, they have 100% help from the Media… You should consider that the MSM controls the leftists, not the elected idiots.
- Why didn't Dianne Feinstein hand over Dr. Ford's letter to the fbi after she received and read it? Christine Ford is calling for an fbi investigation. You'd think she'd be smart enough to send that letter to the fbi, or at least ask Feinstein to do so.
- Why did Dianne Feinstein wait for September to refer the Christine Blasey Ford letter to the FBI and not in July? Why didn't she bring this up to Brett Kavanaugh when she personally interviewed him? Why wasn't it part of the record 1,137 questions given to him answer? Why wasn't it brought up in the initial hearings? The letter was given to only 2 people who she asked to keep her anonymous but it was leaked anyways. So who was it that was disrespectful to her wishes?
- Since the Chinese had infiltrated Sen. Diane Feinstein so thoroughly, do you think they leaked Dr. Ford's letter to the press? Dr. Ford's letter to Sen. Feinstein with her flimsy accusations about Judge Kavanaugh were leaked to the press - but by whom? The Chinese might have done it to cause chaos in American politics, like the Russians did during the election. Explain the Chinese spy, Sen. Feinstein https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/explain-the-chinese-spy-sen-feinstein/2018/08/09/0560ca60-9bfd-11e8-b60b-1c897f17e185_story.html
- Kavanaugh - Why didn't Feinstein just keep the letter under her mattress? One way or the other, she and her office was responsible for the leak! Unless… Ford herself, was responsible!