Why would Christine Ford subject herself to another assault?
This time by a panel of old white men?
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You just gotta love those old white GOP Men on the Senate Committee…
It's time to vote out ALL of those OLD folks in Congress. Let's just see what happens…
Another assault?
You are assuming much.
She will if she wants the committee to consider her allegations.
She is like the peanut in the park. It was asalted.
Soros is making it worth her while.
OK, fine, then STFU.
- Why would a woman put herself through a judgmental hearing is she wasn't seeking justice? Regarding Kavanaugh/Ford hearing. I would like to know any possible answer from anyone, but I would be especially interested in thoughts from females on why they would put themselves through that scrutiny.
- Why doesn't Ford just identify as not an assault victim and move on, just like when you identify as a different gender? After all, if a man can "identify" as a woman despite the actual physical evidence he sees in the mirror every day, it should be a snap to "identify" past something that has no evidence. Stop dodging the question libs - the mechanism you claim allows you to be a different gender despite your years in your physical body should be powerful enough to change your perspective on one moment of your life… Or is the whole thing a fraud?
- Why did Christine Ford undergo psychotherapy if her request for a second entrance was actually unrelated to the alleged Kavanaugh assault? Were there any marital conflicts with her husband? Was it her personal frustration that inspired her to accuse Kavanaugh?
- Is Christine Margaret Blasey Ford just another nut that went into psychology to try to cure herself because she is a loonie? Ford has worked as a research psychologist for Stanford University's Department of Psychiatry and a professor at the Stanford University School of Medicine Collaborative Clinical Psychology Program.