Why should Christine Ford get away with her lies. Shouldn't this be investigated and prosecuted?

Why should Christine Ford get away with her lies. Shouldn't this be investigated and prosecuted?

The only reason she will get away with it is because she is a liberal. Apparently they are not subject to same stricter laws that conservatives are.

If you ever have a teenaged daughter, I hope nothing similar happens to her, as it sounds like she would get zero support from you.

Tell Donald to "lock her up".

Apparently, the FBI investigation turned up some allegations of attempted witness tampering by the Ford camp.

They may indeed be an investigation.

Trump should give her a full and free pardon

Conspiracy to meddle in and influence the outcome of a Supreme Court confirmation.

Ford should face the same sort of background check that Kavanaugh did. Political connections, connections with those in the DOJ and financial interactions.

Knock yourself out

You can't handle the truth.