Why isn't Dr Ford responding to the invite to testify. Not responding to emails / phone calls from Judiciary Committee?

"I want to hear from Dr. Ford," Grassley said. "And she deserves to be heard because these are serious accusations. And I would surely hope she'd come Monday. I mean, after all, read all the details she put in the Washington Post. She's surely prepared. She hired a lawyer, I understand, back in August."

"We have reached out to her in the last 36 hours, three or four times by email, and we've not heard from them. So it kind of raises the question… Do they want to come to (the) public hearing or not?"

She is scheduled to testify on Monday.

It's interesting to say the least.

She has and will be testifying next week

Because the Democrats want their cake and eat it too. They want to be free to bring charges against Kavanaugh without having to make their case. He's guilty until proven innocent.

The whole thing is BS. She has Brett confused with Harvey Weinstein

Because She lied

Chuck Grassley is such a partisan hack and as big a liar at Donald Trump. That guy should be kicked out of Congress.

I'm a bit skeptical of repressed memories that are recovered after therapy. I know people who had family members recover memories that never happened.

I think the lack of detail, including who threw the party and where it was, would indicate something is not right. You would not remember the date, but you would remember the house, or how you got there, or the person throwing the party, or who you went with, or how you heard about it. Something…

Continuing coaching and perhaps, coercing. The DNC just might chew her up and spit her out in a last ditch attempt at derailing a conservative to the high court.