Why is Ford stock so cheap compared to other brands?

Why is Ford stock so cheap compared to other brands?

If you have two companies each worth $100 and the first company issues 10 shares while the 2nd company issues 100 shares, does that mean that first company is worth less compared to the second?

No, they're both worth the same amount but the 2nd company just has issued more shares which means each share is worth less money per share.

Bc they've made cheap cars and people don't really want to invest in this company (Jeep, Chrysler, Dodge, Fiat group is the worst though).

Fords are af-ford-able because the factories are more efficient. It used to cost 1/2 as much to make a Ford as a Chevy. This is because the president of Ford was interested in cutting costs while maintaining quality, and the president of GM was more interested in advertising.

Hi because being a FORD it is a cheap made car. So parts don't go on for ever and need to be replaced frequently./