Why doesn't the FBI investigate for Christine Ford?

Why doesn't the FBI investigate for Christine Ford?

Uh maybe because she has not been nominated for the supreme court or accused of a crime?

There's now a second woman:
Time to open that FBI case file.

Good grief… At least try to learn the law.

Along with Brett K a niece long detailed investigation

They need to.

The FBI does not investigate state crime accusations. And she can't remember when and where this event occurred. All witnesses have no idea what she's talking about.
What is there to investigate?

They likely will now after this second accuser has come forward. And a heads up - Michael Avenatti is representing a third that will be coming forward.

All she has done is to attempt to derail a supreme court appointment.

Because it is not the FBI's job to investigate local crimes.
If the FBI were to putatively start an investigation, all they would do would be to refer the matter to the local police department, who would report that there's nothing to investigate, because there's no possibility of evidence and all named witnesses deny knowing anything.
All the demands for "investigation" are just empty noise making.

There's nothing to investigate.

The both should be looked at

Big money for ford as a "purchased" witness through "go-fund-me" said she doesn't fly yet flies all over the world. She's a scumbag sc professor lying through her rotten teeth. Is it just me or can anyone else see that she is a lunatic!

The demlicans and republicrats ought to be thoroughly ashamed of themselves for such a disgrace. The mafia doesn't have anything on them. What person would spend 10 million $ to get a 180K per year job? The same ones that come out with a multi million dollar porfollio and house. How the hell does that happen?