Why does't trump order the FBI to investigate this ford woman?

You do know he can if he really wants to know the truth. Or maybe he does want to know the truth.

There's no truth to be found. This woman has no idea when this happened, where it happened. She just somehow is sure it happened, based on repressed memories. Sounds like a load of horseshit.

That would be the normal thing to happen. Trump is abnormal.
Trump's only concern is himself, looking as wonderful as possible to gain the most adulation. So whatever he does, that is why he does it.

What's to investigate? One person says it happened, and now two say it didn't. There's no way to go beyond that.

Trump is padding lefties with his command of geopolitical economics. Hating Trump means hating your own livelihood.

There's nothing to investigate. LOL

So… You believe the FBI has a time machine?

Earlier today Trump said its not the job of the FBI. Its not their thing.