Why did Trump lie about Blasey Ford not knowing where she was and how long ago it was when she was assaulted in a speech to his base?

Why did Trump lie about Blasey Ford not knowing where she was and how long ago it was when she was assaulted in a speech to his base?

Same reason he always lies. His supporters lap it up.

Ford was not "assaulted in a speech to his base".

Ford was no where near the speech.

Liberals are blatantly lying now.

Your question is a lie. Read a transcript of her testimony.

2 reasons:
(1) He's a compulsive liar, as in he has a lot of trouble keeping himself from lying.
(2) He knows his rabid band of zealots will believe whatever he says without checking, or hell even if they do check they'll still believe him over actual fact.

People at his rallies love it when he waves his arms about and acts like an azzhat

I know.
Christine Ford did narrow the date of her claimed assault down to a decade!

Because that's what she said

In Maryland in the 80's does not qualify as knowing when or where one is.

1) No lie there, he simply repeated her testimony.
2) Since when is telling THE TRUTH assault?
3) Please seek help for your Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Playing for laughs.
Cheap laughs.