Why did Putin hire Christine Ford to torment Trump and his appointee?
Why did Putin hire Christine Ford to torment Trump and his appointee?
Ah yes. We almost forgot the evil ruskies.
You're not even a good troll.
Torment them with what? Silly demands?
- Why did Trump lie in his recent Nuremburg rally about what Dr Ford remembered? She stated exactly who, what, when etc… https://twitter.com/...4134900737
- Should Sears and Ford HIRE Dotard McTiny as their CEO and get profitable again! If he can get Foreign Diplomats and American Lobbyists to? Pay $350.00/night to sleep in a tiny room in an old Post Office and keep it FULL and VERY PROFITABLE, don't you think that he could come up with an idea to save 40+ thousand American jobs?
- Did Trump just create 24,000 more Democrat voters with his disastrous tariffs? Ford Prepares for Layoff 24,000 After Losing $1 Billion to Trump's Trade Tariffs, Report Says http://fortune.com/2018/10/09/ford-stock-today-layoffs-trump-trade-tariffs/