Why did 63 of the 65 women who signed the letter supporting Kavanaugh back out once they heard what Dr. Ford had to say?

Why did 63 of the 65 women who signed the letter supporting Kavanaugh back out once they heard what Dr. Ford had to say?

The Senate Judiciary Committee's position that the committee itself should vet Christine Blasey Ford's report of past sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is a straight-up boondoggle.

I'm guessing they realized it went from "political stunt" to "targeted character assassination" and were fearful they might end up having "high school acquaintances" of their own start popping up mysteriously and make defaming claims…

… And, of course, there's always the chance of being found in the grass next to the cannon in the park…

Backed out if what exactly?

None backed out. Not a single one. Only two were willing to talk to a self important TV interviewer.

Could it be because she's received death threats? Could it be?