Who's the next rat to leave the ship, McMaster, National Security Advisor, Roy Cohn, economic advisor, Tillerson Secretary of State?
If McMaster leaves there are plans for a Forn exec to replace him so Ford is National Security Advisor and Exxon is Secretary of State?
I would guess ALL of the above! It seems like people are tripping over themselves to leave.
If Trump actually goes through on those tariffs it will be Cohn. McMaster is most likely next unless Kushner falls on his sword, as he should.
Every person who's left so far have hasn't had an unkind word for the Trumps. He isn't the reason they're leaving. Could it be the establishment and media make their jobs impossible, just to stop an outsider from participating in their li'l reindeer games?
From all rumored accounts McMaster is next to leave the Trump Titanic.
- It's possible Blasey-Ford totally believes what she's saying yet Kavanaugh wan nowhere around. But how are the dems doing that? Roy More's? Accuser, Leigh Corfman (all the rest said they only kissed) must have formed her memory after the fact, as well. That was as out of character for him as these outlandish claims are for Kavanaugh. More's big "sin" was being attracted to 17 & 18 year olds. Not tweens. Seriously. Again: How are they getting people to conjure and shape-shift their memories and pull them outta theirAsses just exactly at the most destructive time?
- If a car causes another car to swerve and spin-out, is it considered hit-and-run if they leave the scene? On the way to work this morning, I saw a Ford truck cut off a smaller car and the poor car spun out in the rain and ended up facing the opposite direction. This caused the traffic to stop because it looked like the vehicle wouldn't start. The ford truck most likely knew he did that but kept going, instead of stopping. He didn't hit the car or any cars at all during the time. If he didn't actually hit anything, is it still considered hit and run? Should he have stopped?
- I can I get my money back from a delay ship? So I just left a 5k down payment on ford but I couldn't take the car home because I don't have insurance but when I went to get my insurence they told me the price and it was way to high so I was wide ring if someone knew if I could et my down payment back since I can't afford insurence and the thing was that I sing up the paper work
- Ford Fusion security code/Body Security Module? I purchased a used 2013 Ford Fusion Se which unfortunately did not come with the card and I live far from a ford dealer. Is there a way I can find out the master security code to the securilock on my doors, I have heard it is on the Body Security Module but I can't locate that either does anyone know where this is?