Who is paying Christine Ford's legal bills and why?

Who is paying Christine Ford's legal bills and why?

Soros or some other liberal dark money

Sorros is likely behind it/.

Indirectly, of course, for "plausible denyability" but it's him.

She has over 200K in a go fund me account.

Her attorney is provided by George Soros at no cost to Ford.

It's really weird how certain types can't stand it when they hear any woman say she was molested. Not saying that's you, of course. You would never want to criticize a woman before she is heard. You would never want to ask how she is paying her legal bills just to find another way to criticize her. But certain types would. Just saying.

Why is it important to you and why?
Who is paying to promote this pathetic political hack to the supreme court? There are a whole host of other judges waiting inthe wings and take over for this disaster. Why is Trump married to this guy?

Gofundme. Who paid Kavanaugh's gambling debt.


When you attribute your own motivations to others.

It's not the person who paid Kavanaugh's gambling debts. That is who you should be looking for. Ford has a GoFundMe page for her attorney fees