Which classic car is bigger?

My dad has a 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 Conv. I made a wise crack to him one time that I wanted a 1958 Plymouth Fury (Christine). He said that that the car was bigger then the Galaxie. But I was at work today and said something to a co-worker and they said the Fury is a good deal smaller then the Galaxie. I never got to see a '58 Fury in person so I was wanting to know, thanks.

The Ford is just slightly larger.

The wheelbase of the 1964 Ford is 119". The overall length is 209.9"
The wheelbase of the 1958 Fury is 118". The overall length is 206.1"

The Fury is larger than the Galaxie. Now a Really BIG car is an oldsmobile Delta 88.

A large car is a 1976 Ford Thunderbird.

Ford Thunderbird.