When Christine Blasey Ford is finally humiliated and shut up, can we men declare victory over women in this God's country of ours?

When Christine Blasey Ford is finally humiliated and shut up, can we men declare victory over women in this God's country of ours?

Go ask your mom.

On the news last night someone was approached and the gentleman said you do not want to hear what I have to say about her just ask the PGA. Maybe there are others she has accused of improper behavior. Is there a pattern? Is anyone else curious what the PGA has to say about her?

They will find another one

No, no and no. Even though men DO face injustices and hardships like women, and usually don't get the support due to many reasons, this is NOT the way to go about it.
Sexual harassment charges are serious and should be looked on as such. Same for charges against women harassers.
Men and women NEED each other, even if we don't THINK we do.

It is not Men over Women. Rather, it is Fact over Fiction.