What unspeakable thing was Brett Kavanaugh trying to do to Dr. Ford when Mark Judge threw him off of her?
What unspeakable thing was Brett Kavanaugh trying to do to Dr. Ford when Mark Judge threw him off of her?
Given it's a fictional story?
Anything you want to imagine.
Teens, you know they get up to all sort of crazy things, in many cities, they are not allowed to be charged with many things now, becouse after all, they are only teens.
Mark Judge turned up the music so people couldn't hear her screams for help. It was a third student who walked in, saw what was happening and decided not to embarrass his friend by going all WTF on everybody and instead opted to pretend like everyone is horsing around and jumped on the both of them causing the victim to be released from Kavanaugh's grip so she could flee.
You are right. Who can 'speak' about something that didn't happen?
- Would it help Judge Kavanaugh if I claimed that I had touched drunk Ms. Ford back in 1982 and not him? Like Ms. Ford I have no proof either. So we're even on that. And she says she was dead drunk, so she doesn't know who really touched her. I will take one for the team, since the statutes of limitations have ran out 29 years ago. Make America great again!
- Why do some say Mark Judge stated that he has no memory of the story Ford is telling, when that is not true? A letter, filed by a lawyer, signed by a lawyer, says "he has no memory of the story Ford is telling". That's not the same thing.
- Did either Kavanaugh or Mark Judge try to molest Christine Ford before the alleged assault? Was this a totally sudden and unexpected assault, or had it been preceded by other acts of harassment, during or before the party?