What is with this nonsense slogan of we believe survivors?
I share something in common with Dr. Ford. I also survived a fictional sexual assault.
I survived an attempted sexual assault by Chuck Schumer
Great topic for your next group therapy counseling
Great, except her's wasn't fictional. She is more fortunate than Kavanaugh's later victims though due to him being inept.
According to her polygraph (Kavanaugh refused to take one) and the fact that she was BEGGING for a full and complete FBI investigation of her allegation PRIOR to her testimony (all she got was a crippled sham that did not even interview the lists of corroborating witnesses), I believe Ford over Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh passes a polygraph, then the benefit of my doubt will fall to him…
Unless you are a misogynist then you should always believe women.
Dr Ford lives in Democrat academia, there's no chance she was NOT assaullted by some Democrat or another. Ford is probably one of those WRONGED by a Democrat, so she will transfer her wrong to a Republican target.
I believe YOU!
I could survive too, if the liberals paid me well enough.
It's amazing that this farce of an allegation managed to go as far as it did
- Why should we believe Ford when she states that it was Kavanaugh when she can't remember where the supposed event occurred or when? If you can't remember simple facts, how can we believe that you actually remember it was definitely that man So we're comparing breakfast, to a traumatic experience in one's life? People generally the big moments. *generally remember
- Why did all these geniuses believe in the same conspiracy theory? Why did all these geniuses and great men like Henry Ford Thomas Edison Henry Adams all believe that the world was run by an elaborate Jewish conspiracy? Please explain http://archive.is/XWZR8
- Has America now reached a point where they're fed up with dem nonsense in general? When it comes to Kavanaugh specifically, is Ford lying? Here's the facts that present day democrats/liberals/socialists decide Kavanaugh is guilty… Ford: Doesn't remember when. Doesn't remember where. Doesn't remember what house she was in. Doesn't remember how she got home. Yep… Per liberals / socialists, Kavanaugh is guilty. Serious? What makes a person's brain work that way?
- Does anyone else believe this? I've heard rumors that a Ford truck is incapable of being fast. From what i hear it has something to do with the framework not being able to handle large horsepower and torque. What do you think about his?