What gives Dr Ford the right to dictate the terms of the hearing?

What gives Dr Ford the right to dictate the terms of the hearing?

Well. He's a Doctor, apparently. So that makes him sort of an expert on hearing and any problems that might go wrong with ears.


She doesn't have the right to dictate, but she has something else they want… Testimony, which gives her a substantial bargaining position.

The democrats

The democrats

Anyone can ask for things; that doesn't mean he or she will get them. This isn't a trial; it's not taking place in a court of law, and even in a court, the lawyers can ask the judge for this or that on behalf or a client or the state. The judge may or may not agree, but the lawyers can ask.

Anyone can ask for things; that doesn't mean he or she will get them. This isn't a trial; it's not taking place in a court of law, and even in a court, the lawyers can ask the judge for this or that on behalf or a client or the state. The judge may or may not agree, but the lawyers can ask.