What color antifreeze should i use for my ford freestyle?
What color antifreeze should i use for my ford freestyle? - 1
The same color that is already in it.
Uh, you should never see it, after pouring it in…
You should use yellow antifreeze/coolant.
Just buy Advance Auto fully compatible antifreeze. It works on all cooling systems.
Green. Antifreeze is also antiboil so it works at both extremes. Using pure water is never a good idea because water boils at 212F(100C) and freezes at -32F (0C). Engine thermostats open at 195F Green antifreeze will take the boiling point up to 250F and down to -40F and it has a lubricant for the water pump seal and a preservative for the rubber rad hoses and an anti-coagulant. Red coolant for a time was summer coolant meaning if you decided to put in snow ski's and leave the desert and go skiing for the weekend, up in the mountains, the engine FROZE and broke.
. I do believe that now they put in antifreeze as well as overheat components in the fluid so it is also all season as well. Generally use the same color sheet that is already in the car if it has any. Green, Red, Yellow. Clear stuff is basically water and you don't want that. Brands don't matter except you will pay more for FORD brand coolant (as you are paying for the name) Make sure the coolant you are using is for FORDS, as Chevs and General Motors use a product specifically designed for GM such as Dextron. This is not a FORD chemical. Some antifreezes say what make of cars it is for. Pay attention and read the back of the label. Otherwise you will have early failure of your waterpump; and it will start leaking early in life.
When in doubt, or when you can't read… I don't know if you can… Then pay for the FORD branded stuff. It is your money.
Honda, Toyota, VW take the GM group of coolants.
Some coolants say they work on all engines, and I guess they do otherwise it is false advertising.
I don't care if the coolant is purple… With green stripes. I can only go by what they advertise as being the truth.
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