Waiting for Thursday, will Dems meet about firing Keith Ellison who has beaten women or as a Dem leader, does he get a pass like Clinton?
After all, this is now and has witnesses and evidence that MUST BE EXPLORED if Dems are to maintain ANY credibility with FORD who has no evidence or witnesses.
Added (1). Anon, so you ASSume what I did. Isn't that how you totalitarians on the left work?
Are you saying you have evidence and witnesses Ford doesn't admit to having?
Are you saying the witness and evidence against Keith Ellison is something the Dems want to explore while they are waiting till Thursday?
Stand up and support your claims, Anon, or submissively pee and roll over.
Oh so you ASSume he is guilty and Kavanaugh in innocent? Is that how the GOP works?
False premise.
HRC was investigated rigorously for years, and all you c0ntards found was a double-decker NOTHING BURGER.
He's a muslim so its ok to beat and kill his wife
Evidence says Clinton was innocent.
- Wouldn't women like Dr. Ford feel safer when they were drunk if OSHA stopped violent men like those in the NFL from hitting each other? And calling it play. Shouldn't women have that right to feel safe? You can call this "highlight films" but they are just rich men being violent which a civilized government would stop
- How many hours of coaching has Christine Ford had so far and how many hours of total coaching will she have gone through before Thursday? Coaching from the hardcore Democrat socialists like her lawyer Katz that wears socialist t shirts at anti Trump rallies and her rabid associates paid for by Soros?
- Has the power of Leftist Propaganda made everyone forget that Judge Kavanaugh has been a Champion of Women? Does the Left prefer Teddy "Chappaquiddick" Kennedy given they reelected him 7 times in memory of Mary Jo Kopechne? Is it more proof that Hollywood, the Press and the Silicone Valley control the minds of too many? Didn't 75 Women of both Parties come out before Christine Ford to say how they support him?
- Has America now reached a point where they're fed up with dem nonsense in general? When it comes to Kavanaugh specifically, is Ford lying? Here's the facts that present day democrats/liberals/socialists decide Kavanaugh is guilty… Ford: Doesn't remember when. Doesn't remember where. Doesn't remember what house she was in. Doesn't remember how she got home. Yep… Per liberals / socialists, Kavanaugh is guilty. Serious? What makes a person's brain work that way?