Should I buy a $40,000 car?

I have 10k in stocks, I wouldn't mind selling about 2k worth (which my account has gained since I started a year ago). I have 14k in my savings. I don't plan on buying a home for another 4 years at least. I make 80k and live at home rent free and don't mind because I have my own space. I can't bring myself to spending that kind of money on a car, but I really want the new Ford Taurus SHO. Would i really set myself back in life if I bought this car?

Yes, you have "stupid" written right across your forehead right there. Save money, and just get one that was switched in under lease agreement and all. That should knock $5K right off the start for it.

Most people take a 4 year loan out for a vehicle.

Trading property that increases in value for one that decreases in value is not smart investing.

Never invest in anything that depreciates. It's a rule of thumb. Buy a low-milage used car, at or below blue-book instead, invest in a house… Real estate apprieciates and is lower risk than the market.

No. If you have that much extra cash donate to charities or put it into your savings.
In 4 years we will all be hurting from Trump's recession and in 10, when his tax reform expires, taxes on the middle class will go way up. Someone has to pay for the Rich's multi billion dollar tax breaks.
Buy a used car and play it safe.

OK you are all right, I'm going to shoot for a used SHO in the 20k to 30k range and not take any money out of stocks.

Bad idea. You're thinking of buying a home in 4 years? You have nowhere near enough savings for down payment, etc. Furthermore, as a rule of thumb, you should have at least 6 months of income in liquid assets (cash, etc.) for your emergency fund. So you need at least $40k just in your emergency fund. You are severely short of cash, savings, & investments to cover you in case of illness or injury, job loss, or any other emergency.

Furthermore, a new car loses 25% of its value the minute you drive it off the lot, so on a $40k car, your car is worth no more than $30k, and I bet you'll owe more on it than that.

Financially, you're a spendthrift at present, when you are in a position to save HALF your income, divided into a retirement fund, your emergency fund, and savings toward down payment on a property. Change your bad habits, and buy a car for under $25-30k, paying 25% cash down on a car that's about 2-3 years old.

Why do you only have $14K saved when you have no household bills?

Since we have no idea where you are spending all your money now, it's impossible to answer this question.
As well as, we don't know your credit score, how long you have been at your job, or any of the other specifics about this purchase.

And on a personal note - a car, an independent life, aren't everything a girl is interested in… But the more the women advances the more she wants an equal in a man.
= driving granddad's taurus, even if it's supped up, is still granddad's taurus
= living rent free in your parents house
are not behaviors that are going to get you a partner worth getting

Up to you - you can afford it. Btw, unless your parents are super-wealthy, you should be sharing household expenses.
