What car should I buy for $80,000?

I just graduated high school last year, my dad gave me $80,000 and I'm buying my own first car. My choices are 2019 Ford Mustang, 2019 Dodge Challenger or 2019 Chevrolet Camaro.

Sure he did troll.

A two or three year old Toyota Corolla. Save the extra money for your college expenses.

A brand new trollmobile

You father hates you, hopes you will kill yourself. Probably has life insurance on you so he will make money on the deal. Not to mention he will not need to worry about paying for your college.

Save your money for college. You can't afford the insurance on ANY of these cars anyway.


A car for me so i can drive you around and finally have my freedom

#52 in my First Car Trolls collection. Certainly not the most imaginative, either.

Buy the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile, so everyone will see the troll coming.

As you have just graduated, a Toy-auto will be ideal for you.