Since Feinstein got the letter in July, can say the vote is being rushed since Feinstein can't say if anything but Ford's sincerity is true?

Since Feinstein got the letter in July, can say the vote is being rushed since Feinstein can't say if anything but Ford's sincerity is true?

She should have gotten Meryl Streep to falsly accuse the good judge.

Three other female senators also feel that women should have a say.

Did Google Translate fail you again, comrade?

Feinstein was just the vehicle, not the destination
The whole episode was designed before Kavanaugh was nominated
Just one of the Democrats' contingency

Just an old play by the Democrats. He is Mr. Trumps appointee and not Mrs. Clintons that is why they do not
want him in as a Supreme Court Judge.
Former SSgt.

The time to examine the allegations were during the confirmation hearings. This is a hail mary attempt.