Should Trump replace Harrison Ford in Air Force One remake because Trump will charge gun-wielding enemy without a weapon?
Should Trump replace Harrison Ford in Air Force One remake because Trump will charge gun-wielding enemy without a weapon?
Picture him limping from bone spurs though
No. He is too busy being President while Hillary is still a loser.
Well Harrison wouldn't be doing the remake to begin with, but, no in any case.
Trump has carried a weapon most of his adult life as stated in a campaign interview
- Why don't car companies remake some of their classic car models if people like them so much? Of course safety is in mind because everyone would freak out if they didn't have a seat belt and air bags in every inch of the car, but why can't some of the companies just remake their best selling car models? Dodge could remake their 1948 Sedan and Ford could remake their 1949 Custom. I could list more but I can't think of any more classics.
- Why doesn't a prosecutor charge Kavanaugh and Ford with perjury, because one lied under oath? Then after their lawyers call witnesses and each pleads their case, let a court of law with a jury of peers decide which has committed perjury? Then the FBI could do a investigation, real, thorough and unlimited and they could each take a lie detector test from a same unbiased testing source
- Now that she traveled extensively by Air, is Dr. Ford right that she didn't want to attend the hearing because of fear of flying or no? Although she had a fear of flying, she had traveled extensively by air for work, family visits and vacations. Is does she has fear of flying or no?
- Isn't it hard to force the EU to buy our cars? Ford announced they'll stop making regular cars, and they don't want our gas guzzling SUVs? Or huge trucks. That's what part of this trade war is about fyi, our products that they don't even want. Interesting, but 10% vs 2.5% isn't exactly earth shattering on cars. Plus that article's talking about OBAMA'S proposed free trade not Trumps.