Should I buy my own truck back or just let it go?

My dad was giving me a 66 Ford pickup. I had been working on it, he had the title, it was my dad so I wasn't worried about tagging and registering it until I was ready to drive it. One day I came over to find the truck gone, turns out my uncle had caught my dad drunk and made him sign the title in front of a notary (who is my uncle's friend) then took the truck. Everyone says it's all legal, even if it's morally wrong. My uncle says I can buy the truck back from him for $500. Should I, or should I just let it go?

I would tell your dad that he needs to buy it back for you. That's a bunch of BS they pulled on you.

Depends on whether you think it's worth the money and how badly you want the truck back. I have a few uncles who are rotten also. Sooo if it were me and I decided to buy it back I'd spray paint my uncles name in big letters on both sides with "Is an A hole" underneath and drive it all over town until he paid me back.

Go buy your own truck, have nothing more to do with this uncle.

If your Dad was paid $500 by your uncle then you should pay your uncle and take the truck, then talk to your dad about the money. If your uncle just wants $500 and your Dad really had promised you the truck then your Dad should pay to get it back. If he refuses, I would save my money and get the hell away from both of them and never talk to either again. Yes, I know this sounds harsh but I grew up with an alcoholic father and I've always regretted not slamming the door in his face sooner than I did.
-Beyond all of this, if you can prove that your father was drunk you may be able to have the contract nullified. The notary that was present should attest to this and if he doesn't his license is in jeopardy. At the very least you can ruin his day by throwing a scare into him.

"… My own family is a gift from the Almighty --
which is a fine thing, since I certainly wouldn't have paid for them."

Been there, they did that, I got shafted. An un-abused '66 anything is worth the $500. Your father *should* give you the $500.

Let it go. You won't be able to overcome the issues that are deeper than being drunk.

Brothers. It is between your dad and his brother.(your uncle) There must have been money owing to your uncle from your dad so he gave him the truck as the payment.
. Dad was giving the truck to you… However money was owed to the brother(most likely)
This is between them. Maybe the truck the uncle is going to hold hostage until Dad pays him back. It has nothing to do with you.
. See what your dad is going to do about it
. There's stuff going down that you don't know about between them two.

You also do not need a notary to sign over a title. The fact there was a notary, says this is about an amount bigger than a 66 Ford pickup truck? I can get trucks like that for $100.00, so it ain't worth much.

Let it go and cut ties with your uncle.

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