One of Kavanaugh's accusers admits to lying. Who could have known?

Try everyone with half a brain. It's quite funny how the Democrats haven't even mentioned Ford since about a week after Kavanaugh's confirmation. That's because all they do is use people to further their own twisted agenda based off lies. One of Kavanaugh s accusers admits to lying. Who could have known

They haven't mentioned their fake bombs either… Nothings working.

This is the same week that a woman was paid to smear Mueller so I'll believe it when I see it. And there's nothing that says it was Ford.

It was rather obvious. If the accusations were true, the accusers would've come out way before the day kavanaugh was nominated for justice of the supreme court.

Ford hasn't retracted her claims.

I was listening to part of an Obama speech tonight. He said something that's so true, and your post is a good example of what he said, that even though you have won (you have a Republican president, Republican congress and you got Kavanaugh appointed) you are all still so angry. Calm down, relax and stop all the angry name calling.

I believe Ford. That woman has credibility with everyone who knows her personally.

This woman wasn't even brought up during the hearing.

Julie Swetnick said she was "just angry" when she accused Kavanaugh.

Yeah, that is *one*.
And she was doing it to get attention. Not money. So no one paid here.
And she brought up this bogus accusation (which was never even mentioned in reference like the Wikipedia page) after Ford, Ramirez and Swetnick claims had already been known. For the record, those have not been dismissed as something make up by someone craving attention.

It is like this.
I have here a recording of a speech where Trump tells the truth.
Now, I admit that I do not have such a recording, that I made it up.
By your logic, then all claims by anyone stating that Trump once told the truth is therefore fake. And Trump lies 100% of the time (which is not far from the Truth, actually).