No other woman has said Kavanaugh did anything to her. His record is spotless?
Ford life is now ruined because of feinstein.
Right! Because you aren't guilty until you've done it ten times! Please.
She is a real low life.
No crime was even committed. This is a terrible joke on America.
Ford's life isn't ruined, but it will take a long time before she has a normal life again.
Ah, the Lord High Judge of Life has ruled. All must listen and applaud
A lack of accusation does not equal evidence. We can't say for a fact that, because no one else has come forward, that Kavanaugh is clean. That goes for anyone, really, and it's not like it matters because we can't convict or judge without an accusation. It's okay to assume that Kavanaugh is innocent of assaulting any other woman than Dr. Ford, and while it's not evidence towards his innocence it is somewhat suggestive of it. Though, I wouldn't rely too much on this, since 1. Plenty of assailants only assault one woman in their lifetimes and 2. Kavanaugh is in a position that could make women he's assaulted shut up. The lack of women shouldn't be used for his defense or suggest further guilt, and instead we should look at the more concrete facts that we have.
Maybe it's that no other woman has said Kavanaugh did anything because they're watching how Dr. Ford is treated and thinking that it's not worth having trolls destroy your life to tell the truth.
Only one accuser, not even any "me too" copycats. She lied.
- Party of women took a woman who wanted annonymity and outed her, now her life is ruined. All fine if they get their political wish? Pretending they give a flying fug about Christine Ford is a level of hypocrisy that is unmatched in modern history. Its 100 percent polictics and too f'ing bad for her.
- Has Ford gone on the record yet with a sworn statement? Now she does not want to show up this Thursday. It is starting to look like she does not want to be sworn in. Look, I thought we needed to hear her story, and see if there's any evidence, and weigh it all. But, she is not telling the story. So far it is all hearsay.
- Are there any witnesses who said that Christine Ford and Kavanaugh met each other at any time before or after the alleged assault? If there's any information about a later meeting between them during which she showed no fear of him, then she may have lied about the alleged assault, but if they had known each other before and she avoided him later, then her story is probably credible.