Nancy Pelosi enraged?
Trump and Republicans in Congress are treating Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's courageous choice to come forward with her allegations of sexual assault as a "ploy," a "hiccup," or a "joke."
Trump took to Twitter, belittling Dr. Blasey Ford and demanding "filings" on the assault.
I'm enraged Danny. Trump and Republicans in Congress are engaging in disgusting victim-shaming for political gain.
Stand with Dr. Blasey Ford -- add your name.
Before Trump opened his mouth (or his Twitter app), he should have done some research.
Only about one-third of all sexual assaults are reported to police. Victims cite fear of retaliation or fear that the police will do nothing to help as reasons not to come forward.
It takes courage on a scale Trump will never understand to come forward with a story as personal as this. Dr. Blasey Ford should not be attacked, demanded, or dismissed by Trump, his Republican allies, or anyone else.
We need to protect one another. Join me today and stand in solidarity with Dr. Blasey Ford >>
Shė âlong with every other senile sėniôr
ôvėr 70 need to retire PRONTO she looks
likė she's ready for the nursing? Hômė!
More like deranged
When isn't she enraged? Liberals have been stuck on 'outraged!' since November 2016. It's boring.
It's hardly a revelation that Republicans are sexist as well as racist and bigoted.
Who did whatnow?
Christy Ford is being used by the Destroy Trump flash-mob
Any hope she had for a normal life ended this week
Libs always use the same play book, insult, ridicule while pretending to stand on the high ground.
If Nancy is so enraged we should ask her if she stood in solidarity with Juanita Broaddrick, Gennifer Flowers, and Paula Jones.
In just a few months, Pelosi will be the House speaker again.
- If Trump and Pence both resign could President Pelosi appoint Hillary to the vice-presidency with Senate approval? Keep in mind President Nixon appointed Gerald Ford to the vice-presidency. Later President Ford appointed Nelson Rockefeller to the vice-presidency!