Are any fine china porcelain dishes still made in China?

Are any "fine china" porcelain dishes still made in China? I'm looking to buy my first set of "china," but almost all manufactures are in Europe, especially Britain.
The Chinese started and perfected hard porcelain dishes. Europeans loved them so much they repeated tried but mostly failed to replicated the material and design. They failed so badly that the now sought after "bone china" and "soft porcelain china" started off as an inferior knock offs.
Hundreds of years later, (today) I can't find a quality, real Chinese made "China." Yet all the expensive collector dishes are foreign, non-Chinese made "china." I don't care how fancy they are, to me they are not authentic and should not be called "China!"
How insulting is it that these cheap, inferior knock offs eventually saturated and took over the "fine china" market, while real china, made in China is now mostly in museums?
Admittedly these European dishes are of excellent quality and very beautiful, but to me they aren't authentic "fine china." I mean you can't call sparkling wine, champagne unless its actually made in Champagne France.
You can take a base model, Ford Mustang shine it up and drop a V8 in it and rebadge it as a GT but it will never be a Real GT or have its value. Id rather have an authentic "good quality" Chinese china than an "excellent quality" imitation European porcelain.
So my question again, does anyone know of a brand of "fine china" that's made in china?
