Libs: Kavanaugh is willing and eager to testify under oath on Monday. His accuser is not. Does that mean NOTHING to you?

Or is it simply that you don't care as long as you can con the senate into rejecting the nomination of a textualist to the Supreme court, as was attempted with Clarence Thomas?

Unfortunately for you, it's not going to pan out that way.

The Key senators that whose votes will make or break Kavanaugh, Collins, Murkowski, Flake, Manchin, who all wanted to hear out Ford's claims, they are all more or less saying that if she is unwilling to repeat her claims under oath, then as far as they are concerned it didn't happen, and they are prepared to resume the confirmation process as it were.

Actually it was reported that she wants the witnesses to testify under oath while she is testifying.

Then he will be lying under oath AGAIN the man is not fit for SCOTUS

Kavanaugh doesn't care, he's already lied under oath several times in his career.

You… Realize none of us here are politicians and don't have anything to do with any of it, right?

Let's cut through the bullspit
We all know that the reason that you guys are so desperate to get Kavanaugh confirmed NOW! NOW! NOW! Is you know that you won't be able to do it after Election Day

Absolutely nothing.
