Lets say Kavanaugh actually did touch Ford over her clothing 36 years ago during some horseplay and it was a one time deal. Is it really?

That big of a deal?

I don't really think it is.

In space no one can hear you scream.

Libs equate that to raping someone and throwing their body in a ditch

High school kids do dumb things and this shouldn't ruin his life.

Nice to know you're in favor of sexual abuse. You probably don't understand what no means either.

Here's a hint…

notice how the "issue" is no longer what actually happened… But what it represents in the minds of his opponents…

or more specifically… What can be used to cloud and exploit the minds of those easily led when emotions overtake critical thought…

It's complicated. I can't say it's no big deal, because that would mean I condone it. But I don't think that alone should stand in the way of his confirmation.

What he is accused of allegedly happened when he was a juvenile. How low could the Dems go, like he wet his pants in 5th grade, lol.

36 years ago, the alleged actions would have been a misdemeanor committed by a juvenile according to Maryland law at the time. There was a one year statute of limitations.

Now, the mere allegation, without evidence, is enough to destroy a man, his career, and his family.

That's way out of proportion.

He didn't though. It's a non issue.