Item flew off a truck and hit tha front of my car?

While my fiance was driving, me on the passenger side and our 21 month old son, we were on a two lane road, we were driving and a ford dually truck hauling a horse trailer and some huge water troffs, while we were driving on tha opposite side, the water troff flew off (they weren't even strapped down!), it flew on to our side and my fiance braked it but the water troff flew off the truck that was going about 90+ mph, BAM! It hit tha front of our car, crumbled and went under the car. We pulled over immediately but that truck did not even stop! Luckily they ladies behind that truck tried catching up to the truck but couldnt get the license plate, turned around and checked on us, gave us her info as a witness. The vehicle behind us helped my fiance pull they water troff out from under the front. The side on the driver side below the headlights is dent in, the little grill broke off and on the passenger side below the headlights is broken a little as well. Everything else was fine. We have Geico insurance. We BARELY got this new car on Tuesday! We went back to our dealership to put the rest of our down payment down and this happens. Good thing we're issured but how much do you think it would cost? We tried several times to call the insurance company but nothing, maybe because its Fourth of July? We can't get an answer quick about the damage. We couldn't chase after the person responsible as well but we have witnesses. Anyone know what will happen?Item flew off a truck and hit tha front of my car

Ultimately the truck that failed to secure their load is responsible for your damages, but unfortunately you don't know who that is to be able to claim.

So you look at your own policy. If you have collision coverage you claim there and pay the deductible and your insurance looks to try the find the person responsible to get their money and yours back.

If you don't have collision, make a police report regardless, maybe they will find out who it was. Not likely. But maybe.

What should you do? Really? You don't know what to do? You should notify your insurance company of course!

Pay attention to the following. It is very important: You need to know that if an object falls off of another vehicle and it hits the ground BEFORE you hit the object it is deemed a "collision" by the insurance company(s) which means that you must use your "collision" coverage and pay your collision deductible to have your car fixed. If however the object falls from the vehicle and hits your car BEFORE it hits the road, it will be covered by the other guy's liability insurance. If you can't find the other guy, you have no choice but to use you collision coverage.

Accident? Always call the police to the scene and then immediately notify YOUR insurance company… Always!

Take it up with the insurance company. If they think you hit something (your fault) fight it and use your witnesses. Not much can be said though. Use the item that hit the car as a type of evidence.

Can probably get a fender through parts Need to file a report.