Isn't it true that the more vague you make a lie the harder it is for someone to prove you are lying?

Like Christine Ford's lies about Kavanaugh?

Not credible

What is true is there's no way to disprove a negative. LOL


"I never drank in high school, I was too focused on classes and church. Okay sometimes I went to parties and sometimes they had beer. And sometimes I had beer. Sometimes I had too much beer. I like beer. Beer beer beer beer beer."

Yes. Unfortunately for you, Ford's "lies" are quite specific. The fact that she doesn't remember the address of the house thirty years later is useless. She remembers what was burned into her brain, not niggling stuff around it!

In a very casual setting like among friends or people you're trying to con, yes. But once you get to interrogation type scenarios you better be telling the truth or have your lie well rehearsed and thought out down to the most minute detail.

Well, the Looney Left believes her, 100%


Her statements haven't been as vague as you think. The details she has given match with the newly released Kavanaugh calendar and the timeline in Mark Judge's book. Ford is either a clairvoyant, or she's simply telling the truth about the elements of the past she recalls.