Is Nike going to hire Ford for their new 'Crying Liar' shoes to replace Kaepernick's 'SJW Virtue-Signaller' shoes?
Is Nike going to hire Ford for their new 'Crying Liar' shoes to replace Kaepernick's 'SJW Virtue-Signaller' shoes?
She and Krappydick would be perfect together.
Any horse needs a pair of shoes.
Yes and the slogan is still "Just Do It".
- Should Sears and Ford HIRE Dotard McTiny as their CEO and get profitable again! If he can get Foreign Diplomats and American Lobbyists to? Pay $350.00/night to sleep in a tiny room in an old Post Office and keep it FULL and VERY PROFITABLE, don't you think that he could come up with an idea to save 40+ thousand American jobs?
- Ford's Palo Alto Univ. Is a SJW factory meant to produce leftist activists - does that undermine her credibility? To Understand Christine Blasey Ford, Take a look at Palo Alto University It also appears gender biased, with about 67 percent female faculty and a 79 percent female student body. Video by Dr. Janice Fiamengo of the University of Ottawa - shows how Ford is a product of feminist victimhood ideology.
- CONS: Ford's Palo Alto Univ. Is a SJW factory mean to produce leftist activists - would you hire anyone from such an institute? To Understand Christine Blasey Ford, Take a look at Palo Alto University Video by Dr. Janice Fiamengo of the University of Ottawa - shows how Ford is a product of feminist victimhood ideology. * meant
- 21 days left. How many more examples do voters need in their faces on yet another democrat revealing their true self behind the scenes? In public… They lie, twist facts and spon the hell out of truth to make themselves look good for a vote. Then what? Oh yea, if they win, they toss you under the buss ( just like Christine Ford ) until the next vote. WHO NOW JUST GOT CAUGHT? >>>