Is it because Dr Ford is a woman and Kavanaugh is a white man the reason the Left considers Dr Ford more creditable than Kavanaugh?

Is it because Dr Ford is a woman and Kavanaugh is a white man the reason the Left considers Dr Ford more creditable than Kavanaugh?

No, it's because Kavanaugh acted like a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist yesterday.

Also, forget Ford for a moment; there are four other allegations.

And 20 against Donald J. Trump.

Ford had nothing to gain so all she needed to do was tell the truth. Kavanaugh, despite all of his coaching, came across as abusive and desperate.

Of course. But most likely is because trump nominated him. Kamala Harris said Gorsuch was voted in because he had no claim of sexual assault. But she forgets she also voted no for him. In fact only three democrats voted yes for him. They were going to vote no for anyone trump nominated no matter what.

Who knows, I bet they either don't know or would not admit it.

How can she be credible if she has no evidence?

They don't want the judge confirmed

No. It's because she has no reason except civic duty to come forward. There's nothing in it -- at least, nothing good -- for her.

No, I'm guessing you did not watch the testimony.