Is it any surprise that since the first one didn't work as the leftist hoped? Claims Grow?

That now we have a Second Woman Making Accusations Against Kavanaugh As Doubts Over Ford's

What about his gambling problem and debts?

I thought it was THREE now!
Anyway a senior member of the judiciary should be like Caesar's wife - totally above suspicion!
This Trump puppet looks to be as big a sleaze-bucket as his would-be master!

The Libs have made a pattern out of doubling down on what does not work.

Well he wrote in his year book that he is Ms Renate Alumni, what does that tell you?

The hell with the women… I want to hear how he clearly his gambling debts, WHO paid them… And WHY, and what did they get in return for that favor?

I think there's A LOT more smoke about THAT issues… And the sexual accusers are the least of his problems.

But cons won't ask those questions… Nor do they care that he ran up such gambling debts in the first place, showing his piss poor judgement.

The Dems do not need the accusations to stick. They don't even need anyone to testify. They just need to delay the vote and, so far, they are achieving that goal.

Your reasoning is backwards. In sexual misconduct cases, we have seen many times in recent years that after an initial accusation, other victims come forward. If the claims were not growing, that would be more of an indication of innocence, rather than guilt.

The longer this thing gets drawn out, the more questions are raised about the women making the accusations. The more it is leaning to be a tactic, not reality.

No Surprise. Misery loves company.