Is it a good idea to take my Ford Pinto to a demolition derby?

I have a rusty old 1972 Ford Pinto and I was thinking of entering it in a demolition derby. Is this a good idea?

You can enter your Ford pinto into a demolition derby if you use a gas tank that's designed for demolition derbies. A Ford pinto has a tendency to blow up when you hit it from the back because of the gas tank

Take the tank and put it in the back seat. Should be in the rules.

Not for the reason you think. They allow you to move the gas tank and you only carry a gallon or two. The real problem is the short rear end does not give you much crunch space and you would lose out fast. The best cars for DD are station wagons.

Sure, what could go wrong?

Yup, we could use one less troll.