If you interviewed someone who acted like an entitled spoiled little brat for a job interview, would you hire them?

CONservatives claim that BART O'Kavanaugh was right to act like an entitled spoiled little brat because he was accused of sexual assault without evidence
( yet these same CONs are completely silent about BART's conspiracy theories about Democrats wanting revenge for the Clintons, which BART also made without evidence.
The CONS also are quick to claim that Dr Ford lied, but are also are also completely silent about BART lying under oath http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/10/republicans-have-decided-to-ignore-all-of-kavanaughs-lies.html#comments )

If you were interviewing someone for a job and they acted like an immature spoiled little entitled raging brat and spouted baseless unfounded crazy conspiracy theories like BART did, would you hire them for the job like the CONS were quick to hire BART?

Added (1). Big One 0909 No it doesn't because most people accused of doing something, rightly or wrongly, don't act like entitled spoiled little brats and spew conspiracy theories like Bart did. Try again. Stop making excuses.

You mean like wife beater Ellison

No… But I would expect that person to be angry if I accused of him gang raping people before going thru the process.

Wahh… If you interviewed someone who acted like an entitled spoiled little brat for a job interview, would you hire them

Rather than think of it as a job interview, which I know is the talking point, but not the reality, Imagine you already have the job, and a coworker is accusing you of Stealing and you know you didn't do it.

Puts a whole new light on it, doesn't it?

How many Job Intervies have you been on that involved a weeks worth of Character Assassination midway through the process>?

You lost (again). Grow up. Move on. Make a contribution to society.

Most likely not

I would not hire anyone who starts crying when the questions get hard. I want a man in that position, not a baby.

Conservatives disgust me.

No. I certainly wouldn't be able to respect him as President (Trump)

Boo, hoo, hooo… Here comes Suzy-Snowflake look at her tumbling down.
Google it and laugh at YOURSELF, JAGOFF!