If Dr Ford is not willing to testify, why delay the vote?

The White House and the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee have all come out and stated she should be heard.

They've delayed the vote and invited her to testify on Monday.

She is refusing to testify.

And before you say ' the FBI should investigate '

1. Sexual Assault is a State crime, not a Federal Issue.
2. Even if it was, there's nothing to investigate:
A 35 year old claim where the accuser does not remember where or when it happened and there's no evidence to examine.
3. Kavanaugh has already passed SIX FBI background checks.

It is just a delay tactic, the accuser has no credibility, she does not know where, when or who was around at the supposed scene of the alleged crime. How could that even be investigated?

There isn't any reason to.

She shows up Monday or shuts the hell up. Case closed.

She did what she got paid to do but they didn't pay her enough to lie in front of congress

She won't talk until after the mid-terms, then there will be no need. She is lying because she has mental issues, but that goes without saying.

She IS willing to testify. Why the rush? The Supreme Court functioned well with only 8 justices in 2016.

Democrats know they have lost. This is nothing more than a sign of desperation.