If Christine Ford made it all up then doesn't she deserves to be mocked?

If Christine Ford made it all up then doesn't she deserves to be mocked?


Yes, she deserves all the **** coming her way

Go with that, it's a great plan.

That's a big if, you would think the POTUS might have some decorum, but instead you have the stable genius

She did make it all up and deserves to be prosecuted criminally and sued civilly

Depends. The woman is obviously fruit cake crazy. If it weren't for how the left has used her… Well, maybe because of how the left has used and indulged her for their own political purposes… I'd feel sorry for her and suggest she get help. Perhaps something DID happen to her. Competent professional help by exorcise this 'demon'.

If you can prove that she made it up. If not, then no, no mocking the emotional damaged.

"If" being the key word. People who never even heard of before the circus are calling her a liar and worse.