If Christine Ford is telling the truth, then why is she so scared sh*tless to tell her story under oath and subject to cross examination?

Only someone who either intends to lie or has something to hide would be afraid to do that.

And Kavanaugh is going to the hearing on Monday, and has demonstrated an unwavering willingness and eagerness to speak
of the allegations against him, under oath, from the moment they were made.

Ford keeps trying to pretend like she is willing to testify, first after the FBI investigates a State Crime they have no jurisdiction over, now at some hypothetical future date that is not monday.

"I'm willing to testify but not at this time."

Well, Monday is the only time.

If she doesn't have anything further to say about her allegations, then neither will the senate, and the confirmation process will proceed as it were.

Have you ever been to court? Its not niece even when telling the truth

She's the one asking for an FBI investigation. You have it exactly wrong.


Why is Kavanaugh's buddy refusing to testify for his buddy Brett?

Libs believe they are special and get to dictate what the rules are.

Monday is NOT the only time. There's no need to rush.

The FBI does investigations for background checks.

There's president for further background checks.

She want a fair hearing.

She does want to testify.

Kavanaugh has lied before in conformation hearings.

The Senate Judiciary Committee's position that the committee itself should vet Christine Blasey Ford's report of past sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is a straight-up boondoggle.

Not telling the truth